Spazierweg "Thiemeweg"
Walk "Ins Bergdorf Zedlach"
The starting point for this moderate hike is the parking area in Proßegg on the right-hand side before the bridge Proßeggbrücke. The first step is to cross the bridge and walk up the district Proßegg past the little church Proßeggkirchl. Stay on the asphalt road until reaching the chapel Annakapelle. In the chapel, built in 1881 and renovated in 1977, there is a small altar with a picture showing St. Anna teaching Mary to read. The path then continues to the last farmhouse of Proßegg. You pass the farm and enter the forest. Very soon you meet the yellow signpost "Kirchenweg Hinteregg" in the forest, which leads up to the right. Follow the forest path and the red and white markings until reaching a hut and a meadow. Continue across the meadow to the district Hinteregg and past the chapel Mariahilfkapelle. Then follow the road in a south-westerly direction to the inn Kräuterwirtshaus Strumerhof. About 100 m after the Strumerhof, a forest path on the left, the so-called Thiemeweg, leads back down to Proßegg.
Spazierweg "Thiemeweg"