Venediger Höhenweg Etappe 5
For today's stage, it is important to clarify the current conditions: Depending on the snow conditions, this passage may not be accessible until midsummer. If the conditions are right, the stage will impress you with its many views of sometimes bizarre rock formations. The Badener Hütte offers views of the Glockner, Granatspitz and Schober groups as well as the icefall on the north side of the Kristallwand.
Via the Kälberscharte (2.791m) and the Galtenscharte (2,871 m) the route continues to the Badener Hütte. This section is, depending on snow conditions, often only accessible in high summer. A short section is also secured with a rope, but can be easily climbed without a via ferrata set. Due to the danger of falling rocks, however, this section should only be climbed in dry conditions. The rest of the route leads through the picturesque and rustic Frosnitztal valley to the Badenerhütte.
Venediger Höhenweg Etappe 5