Steinsee, © Tirol Werbung / Charly Schwarz
Steinsee, © Tirol Werbung / Charly Schwarz

Hikes to Mountain Lakes

Twinkling in the bright summer sunshine between lush green meadows and craggy mountain peaks, Tirol's mountain lakes are without a doubt one of the most stunning attractions in a region of many. A hike is the best – and often only – way to reach these havens of peace and quiet.

When it comes to hiking in the mountains, it is always easier to toil uphill in the warm summer sunshine when you know there is a reward at the top – and what better reward on a hot day than a dip in a cool lake? The turquoise Obernberger See in the Stubai Alps and the Salfeinssee near Sellrain, with the mighty Kalkkögel mountains reflecting on its calm surface, are just two of the numerous lakes in Tirol offering welcome rest and refreshment to tired hikers.

Many lakes can be easily incorporated into a circular hike. Examples include the easy family-friendly walk to the Hintersteiner See in the Wilder Kaiser Mountains as well as the challenging hike to the Zireiner See in the Rofan Mountains where walkers must ascend 1,500 vertical metres from bottom to top. Those who want to visit more than just one lake during their hike should try the "Drei-Seen-Rundwanderung", a circular hiking trail in the Tannheimer Tal Valley taking in three beautiful mountain lakes lined up in a row like pearls on a string.

When it comes to hiking in the mountains, it is always easier to toil uphill in the warm summer sunshine when you know there is a reward at the top –…

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Hikes to Mountain Lakes from A to Z

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