Wilder Kaiser
- Kopftörlgrat climbing area in the Wilder Kaiser Mountains
- Sunny south-facing wall
- Crux with smooth rocks
Wilder Kaiser
Wilder Kaiser
Multi-pitch climbing routes are made up of at least two rope lengths climbed consecutively. They are often to be found in alpine or high alpine terrain. In some cases they may lead up to the top of a mountain. We have put together a list of the best multi-pitch climbing routesin Tirol.
Unlike in sport climbingclimbing routes ideal for beginners new to this type of climbing. One of them can be found at the Engelpfeiler. Nevertheless, due to the accumulated fatigue of multi-pitch climbing, we recommend choosing a route which is one or two levels below what you would normally climb for sport climbing – after all, the challenge posed by the length and the height of multi-pitch climbing should not be underestimated.
Tirol has several relatively easy multi-pitch climbing routes ideal for beginners new to this type of climbing. One of them can be found at the Engelpfeiler. Nevertheless, due to the accumulated fatigue of multi-pitch climbing, we recommend choosing a route which is one or two levels below what you would normally climb for sport climbing – after all, the challenge posed by the length and the height of multi-pitch climbing should not be underestimated.