This November, art galleries and museums throughout Tirol provide diverse perspectives on art through opening nights and guided walks and tours. Venues include Tirol’s Provincial Museums, aut. architecture and tirol, artdepot gallery, and many more.
Since 1998, the Premiere Days at art galleries and museums throughout Tirol have been aiming to bring new audiences to arts and to provide diverse and new perspectives on art. Held from November 7 to 9, 2024, the program includes opening nights, talks, expert-guided walks and tours, panel talks and performances.
On display are artworks by Walter Niedermayr, Ona B. and many more.
artdepot gallery
aut. architektur und tirol
bilding. Arts and Architecture Workshop for Kids and Young Adults
Galerie A4
Galerie Johann Widauer
Galerie Nothburga
Galerie Plattform 6020
Galerie Rhomberg
Inn situ/BTV Stadtforum Innsbruck
Klocker Museum
Künstler*innenhaus Büchsenhausen
Kunstraum Innsbruck
Kunstraum Schwaz
Neue Galerie
Offspace der Premierentage 2024
openspace Innsbruck
Premierentage Headquarter
Reich für die Insel
Taxispalais – Kunsthalle Tirol
Theologische Fakultät Innsbruck
Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum
Wei sraum. Designforum Tirol
Since 1998, the Premiere Days at art galleries and museums throughout Tirol have been aiming to bring new audiences to arts and to provide diverse and…