Carved nativity scenes have a long tradition in Tirol, © Tirol Werbung / Michael Grössinger
Carved nativity scenes have a long tradition in Tirol, © Tirol Werbung / Michael Grössinger

Carved Nativity Scenes in Tirol

Carving and displaying nativity scenes has a long and proud tradition in Tirol. In the run-up to Christmas there are many exhibitions on show throughout the region showcasing this craft passed down from one generation to the next. The Museum of Tyrolean Regional Heritage in Innsbruck also houses a large number of carved nativity scenes, some of which are hundreds of years old. Further interesting local history museums are those in Bad Häring and Wildermieming, while special guided tours are offered in the villages of Thaur and Absam for those keen to learn more about this long-standing tradition.

Nativity scenes in museums and exhibitions


Nativity scenes in churches and public places


Nativity scenes with guided tours

Traditional carved nativity scene, © Tirol Werbung/Bernhard Aichner
Traditional carved nativity scene, © Tirol Werbung/Bernhard Aichner

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