Stage without summit – Day 5: Mandarfen – Mandarfen

Stage without summit – Day 5: Mandarfen – Mandarfen


Starting point Mandarfen: The trail leads through the Hirschtal valley up to Lake Rifflsee. Once there, follow the high-level trail signposted as “Offenbacher Höhenweg” . Keep an eye out for a fork and the Lake Plodersee signpost and then follow a continuously steep trail up to Lake Plodersee. Once there, follow the “Fuldaer” high-level trail, which is moderately steep, sometimes up and sometimes down. Cross several streams until you reach the only critical point of this trail – the “Vordere Köpfl”. There are rocky and steep sections to master here, however, the path is safely secured with steel ropes and can be accomplished as long as you are surefooted. From then on it is a steady downhill climb to the cirque [Kar] and then a little further uphill to the catered mountain hut Taschachhaus. Catch a fantastic glimpse of the Taschach glacier world from a viewing point on the mountain’s crest just above the mountain hut. It is advisable to return via the moderately steep agricultural road to the Taschach Alm mountain hut and then further on to Mandarfen. 

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