Praxmar - Roter Kogel (119)

Praxmar - Roter Kogel (119)


From Praxmar, hike down into the valley, cross the Melach river and walk south for a short distance along Lüsenser Straße road. Turn left (signposted) to follow the path that leads up through the forest in an easterly direction, past the Gallwieser and Aflinger mountain huts (not open to the public). Ten minutes above the Aflinger Alm, the route leads south-east towards the Gallwieser Hochleger. Shortly before you get there, turn left and follow the small ridge that weaves its way up Sömen mountain. Finally, head south along the ridge to the summit cross. At the top, magnificent panoramic views await. 

For the hike back down, you can either follow the same route or head east to the Potsdamer Hütte mountain hut, which is located 2,009 metres above sea level in the Fotscher Valley.

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    Praxmar - Roter Kogel (119)


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