
In order to keep our communication as constructive and pleasant as possible for everyone, we ask you to adhere to the following rules. We reserve the right to block users who contravene these rules and to delete their posts.


Respect and fairness
Write your posts and comments the way you would like to receive them yourself. That also includes accepting other opinions. We strive to maintain a fair and respectful communication culture.

Constructive criticism
We are always open to constructive criticism and will be happy to assist you with any questions or issues you may have. 

Follow the Facebook guidelines
We reserve the right to not react to or to block user profiles which contravene the Facebook guidelines.

Please make sure you only post content on our page which really belongs to you or where you know that you have the right to use it. We assume no liability for the copyright of material posted on our site.


Please be aware that we do not react to general insults or to general descriptions of problems. Such posts may be deleted. Thank you for your understanding.

No racism and no discrimination
We have a zero tolerance policy towards racist, sexist and antisemitic posts as well as all other content which aims to discriminate on the basis of religion, sexual identity or affiliation with any group (national, religious, political, etc.). Such content will be removed in order to protect our users. We will also delete any links to external pages with such content. 

No rude language, no insults
We reserve the right to block the accounts of users who are not interested in fair and respectful communication or who choose to insult our staff. Posts that contain any kind of insults or that encourage use of violence or the destruction of property will be deleted.
Insults and obscenities as well as insinuations and swearing make it more difficult to have a respectful and constructive conversation and will therefore not be accepted. This also applies to content which is unsuitable for minors or could be interpreted as such.

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