Natural ice rink Mösern

Ice skating in a beautiful winter landscape at Lake Möserer See


Depending on the weather and ice conditions, the ice rink is opened or closed for public skating at weekends in winter. Every Saturday and Sunday between Christmas and the end of February.

Current opening hours:
Saturday and Sunday from 13:30 to 16:30 (rink has to be released by the ice master, which is announced online at by 18:00 on the respective Friday beforehand).

In addition to a large public ice rink, there is a panorama path and a small hockey field for fun and games. The prerequisites are observance of the spacing rules and good cooperation.
Admission is free - voluntary donations are welcome (donation box at the lake or see above website).

Please note: There is no rental of ice skates on site!

Ice skating at Lake Möser is a true natural paradise.  The ice surface is prepared in many hours of work by volunteers of the association "Mösern Gemeinsam" (Mösern Together), so that even less experienced ice skaters feel comfortable.

It is forbidden to enter the ice rink outside opening hours.

Refreshment stop:

Getting here

  • Contact

    Mösern Gemeinsam
    **** Mösern


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