Lasörling altitude trail Stage 3 alternative Prägrater Törl

Today's stage demands everything from the climbers. It is demanding, exhausting and long. But more importantly: beautiful. We check the weather forecast, pack our rucksacks and get an early start to the day. After a good 9 hours of walking, our feet are steaming - it's a good thing that the Neue Reichenberger Hütte is on the Bödensee. Will the water hiss when we dip our hot soles in it?


This alternative leads along the rear Mullitztal, past the old mines on the left, to the Prägarter Törl at 2,855m. The crossing is secured in places with a rope. However, you should not enjoy the view of the neighbouring Defereggen valley for too long, as there are still many hours of walking ahead of you. The trail then descends quite steeply next to the Michltalscharte, before heading back up to the Rote Lenke after the Kleinbachboden. Here you can still walk the short ascent to the Gösleswand on the right side. The view as far as the Dolomites compensates you for the exertions so far. From this crossing, the trail continues comfortably in the direction of Bödensee and the Neue Reichenberger Hütte.

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    Lasörling Höhenweg Etappe 3 Alternative Prägarter Törl


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