Kühtai - Pirchkogel - Marlstein

Kühtai - Pirchkogel - Marlstein


This hike starts behind the tourist information centre and leads uphill past the "baby lift" and along Stocktaler Bach stream. Cross the stream on the wooden bridge behind the fenced off reservoir and follow the marked trail up to the bottom of the ski lift track. There you will meet the AV151 trail, which runs below the Irzwände mountains and over Stockacher Böden along the upper ski lift before crossing scree fields to the summit. The route back down leads west along the AV151 to the crossroads at Feldringer Böden. From there, continue past Marlstein and Mareil before joining the Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Weg trail and walking back up to the Jagdschloss Kühtai restaurant. Finally, follow the road back to the tourist information centre.

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    Kühtai - Pirchkogel - Marlstein


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