Hoch und Heilig – Bergpilgerweg in Osttirol, Südtirol und Oberkärnten Etappe 7: St. Jakob im D. - Obermauern
Through the lonely Lasörling group from Defereggental to Virgental valley and also to yourself
At the church in St. Jakob you start along paths no. 314, 315 up to the remote hamlet of Tögisch and further up to the Tögisch mountain. The path crosses the extensive, flowery alpine lawns cultivated by Deferegger farmers. The path continues to ascend, past the Gasser Hörndle it reaches the high alpine zone and finally the idyllic Gritzer mountain lakes, in which you can even swim on warmer summer days.
At the Mullitztörl the highest point is finally reached and after a short rest the descent to the Lasörlinghütte begins, which offers rest and refreshments. The ground is rich in history. Even in pre-Christian times people were looking for ore and income up here. The descent continues via path no. 315 into the climatically privileged Virgental valley past the Stadleralm to the car park at the valley end. You cross the Isel river at Gries and master a last short ascent along trail no. 47 to Obermauern to the pilgrimage church of Maria Schnee, your stage destination.
Along the Trail
Gritzer Seen Lakes (Defereggental/Virgental valley transition)
In the Lasörling group you will find the idyllic 2504 m high mountain lakes.
The Virgen Valley is the origin of the Isel, one of the last pristine glacial rivers in the Eastern Alps.
„Weg der Sinne” (Virgen)
A circular hiking trail along old hollow paths, stone walls and hedges. A gem!
Pilgrimage church Maria Schnee (Obermauern)
The 15th century Christophorus fresco on the facade is impressive from afar. In the church the colourful fresco series by Simon von Taisten from the 15th century stands out. This "biblia pauperum" is a picture book of faith.
At this place two stations of your pilgrimage through the vow of the sacrificial ram during the time of the plague in the 17th century are connected. The story with the ram is depicted on a panel from 1635 in the church. The ram pilgrimage to Lavant was carried out until 1920. Since then it leads on Saturday after Easter from Virgen and Prägraten to Obermauern.
In 2008, a group of artists from Virgen (director: Michael Lang) designed a new bronze and stone Calvary from Virgen to Obermauern using texts by the late bishop Reinhold Stecher.
Since 2015, the procession has been awarded UNESCO's immaterial cultural heritage.
In Lavant - as a remnant of this tradition - the blessing and raffle of a sacrificial vowe remained on Kirchtag (2nd Sunday after Easter). - On the evening before, since 2015, the inhabitants of Lavant hike from Obermauern to Lavant.
Hoch und Heilig – Bergpilgerweg in Osttirol, Südtirol und Oberkärnten Etappe 7: St. Jakob im D. - Obermauern