Heilbronner Hütte 796

Insider tips in Tyrol? We'll be happy to tell you. One of them is the MTB tour to the Konstanzerhütte and Heilbronnerhütte. You cycle through the pristine Verwalltal valley and the mystical Rosanna gorge. The two huts themselves are no longer an insider tip due to their excellent cuisine and panoramic views.


The tour to the Heilbronner Hütte is not to be underestimated. The Verwall trail from the Schönverwallalm up to the Heilbronner Hütte demands everything from the bikers, both on the ascent and on the descent with difficulty S3. Start at the Arlberg WellCom and turn right at the roundabout up the old Arlberg road to the main road. Cross this and then turn left into the Verwalltal valley. After the bridge over the Arlenbach stream, you will come to a large meadow, where you should take the first turning to the right on the gravel path over a slight climb to the Verwallsee lake and on to the Salzhütte hut. From there, the trail continues to the Konstanzer Hütte. From the bridge in front of the Konstanzer Hütte, turn right through Schönverwall. At the first fork, go straight past the Schönverwallalm. A single trail (Verwall trail) begins there. Cross the Rosanna and then steeply uphill past the Scheid lakes (state border) to the Heilbronner Hut. Continue to Paznauntal or Montafontal possible. Return to the Salzhütte, turn right over the bridge and head south along the Verwallsee to the Wagner Hütte or continue to St. Anton am Arlberg.

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    Heilbronner Hütte 796


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