© Tirol Werbung / Rodler Ilvy
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© Bert Heinzelmeier
© Tirol Werbung / Aichner Bernhard
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© Tirol Werbung / Moore Casey
© Tirol Werbung / Herbig Hans
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© Tirol Werbung / Neusser Peter
Jagdhausalmen Alpine Pastures, Defereggen, East Tirol, Austria, Europe

An outdoorswoman with a passion for sports, Mathea is always looking for authentic stories about Tirol. You can usually find her in the backcountry, surrounded by good people.

Updated on 17.06.2024 in Sports from Mathea
3 min reading time
The mountain biking season is finally here! As with every other sport, it is important to prepare your body for the stresses and strains specific to mountain biking. As well as good overall cardiovascular fitness, riders need strong legs to push the pedals uphill as well as a strong upper body to deal with tricky descents and keep control of the bike through tight corners.Roland Luchner, coach at the Innsbruck Olympic Centre shows you five exercises to get you fit for mountain biking. Let’s get started!
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fitfuerwandern, © Tirol Werbung
Updated on 27.05.2024 in Sports from Mathea
3 min reading time
Hiking is a sport open to everyone, but after a long walk in the mountains you may well find yourself with tired legs. That’s why good cardiovascular fitness as well as strong muscles are important. These also help keep you safe when negotiating rough terrain and make walking and hiking a more relaxing and pleasant experience.
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Updated on 06.11.2023 in Sports from Mathea
5 min reading time
Everyone knows the feeling of burning thighs or tight back muscles at the end of a long ski day. Aches and pains such as these can put a downer on an otherwise enjoyable skiing experience. That is why it is important to get fit for skiing before you hit the slopes. This will not only make skiing more fun but also increase your performance on the piste and help prevent injuries.Christoph Ebenbichler, fitness coach at the Olympic Centre in Innsbruck, has put together the most important exercises to get you fit for skiing.
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Vorbereitung auf die Langlaufsaison (c) Tirol Werbung
Updated on 17.10.2022 in Sports from Mathea
4 min reading time
Why sweat it out in the gym during the winter months when you can explore the great outdoors on two skis? Cross-country skiing is known as being one of the best sports around when it comes to training not only stamina and cariovascular fitness but also strength in the legs and upper body. On top of that, it's excellent for your balance and burns plenty of calories.However, skating around on skinny skis does take a bit of getting used to. A key element to enjoying cross-country skiing is having the right fitness, so we have put together five exercises for you to do at home to get ready for your next holiday in Tirol. Coach Christoph Ebenbichler from the Innsbruck Olympic Centre will take you through each one step by step. Ready, steady, go!
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Updated on 18.12.2019 in Sports from Mathea
3 min reading time
Summer is just around the corner and with it the main climbing season in Tirol. However, before you hit the rocks, it is a good idea to prepare your body for the specific demands of rock climbing. Strong arms are, of course, important, but climbers also need a strong core.Austria’s climbing world champion Jakob Schubert shows you five exercises requiring no equipment to get you ready for the climbing season.Let’s get started!
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Reinhold Scherer, © Alpsolut Pictures
When it comes to rock climbing in Tirol, there is one name you will hear again and again: Reinhold Scherer. Once a world-class climber in his own right, the Tirol native is today known first and foremost as the coach to some of the most successful competitive climbers of the last 20 years and the creator of the visionary Kletterzentrum Innsbruck. We spent a day together on the rock to find out more about the man behind the myth.
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