Neither difficult nor steep is the Almtour up to the Wurzbergalm and therefore suitable for children, especially as a tobogganing party elegantly shortened the return journey. From the Längenfelder part of Winklen (car park at the edge of the forest) a wide forest road runs in long serpentines up to the Wurzbergalm (1.575m). Through the bright, sunny forest terrain of the Köfler Bergsturz, one of the largest of the Alps, one climbs rapidly, until finally the trees at a height of 1,600m surprisingly open a clearing. Now it is only a few steps to the wood-clad building of the Alm with its sun terrace. Well, the one who has a sled and can now hike down the groomed down to the valley. If you do not have one, you simply borrow one from the family family Holzknecht. Of course not without a good break before - best with Ramona's apple strudel, blueberry punch or a glass of fresh milk from the farm in the valley.