Arrival by public transport
bus: Itter village square
Guest card = travel ticket - bus & train included!
Online timetables:
Winter walk - Itter village walk
The starting point for this hike is the village square in Itter. From there, walk past Stefan's Dorfladl and follow signpost no. 4 along the Rosenweg. Pass the viewing platform and the rITTER playground to reach the Itterer Dörfl. Turn right at the fountain and follow the pink signs to "Dorfrunde Itter". At the main road, keep to the right and cross the road after a few metres. Walk along the lift path into the residential area of Lindweg. Follow this path past the sports field back to the starting point.
bus: Itter village square
Guest card = travel ticket - bus & train included!
Online timetables:
free parking directly at the village square in Itter
Winterwanderweg - Dorfrunde Itter