Im Banne des Großglockners
Under the spell of the Großglockner
From the recently built Glocknerwinkl car park we head out along the hiking trail, heading for Lucknerhaus. Along the route we can observe impressive chamois and ibex in their natural habitat, on the steep slopes of the Ködnitztal.
Our tip: do this tour as a Nature Watch Tour with a National Park ranger
Romantic winter hike including observing animals in their natural habitat in Kals am Großglockner. Does a marmot really sleep right through the winter? What do ibex and chamois eat when everything is covered in snow? Why do golden eagles and lammergeiers not head south? Together with a National Park ranger who has a spotting scope, the wild animals in the National Park can be observed up close in their natural habitat.
Im Banne des Großglockners