Route SA Alpkopf circular hike
Start out from the information board at the Kölner Haus. Follow the toboggan run along the Kinderschneealm to the wooden cross at the Stierlerhüttelift T-bar lift. Follow the Pirates‘ Trail through the forest to the open woodland beneath the Alpkopf mountain. On the right-hand edge off the forest, head downhill to ‘Oberer Komperdellboden’. Continue downhill until you reach a trail. Cross the trail and when you come to ‘Unterer Komperdellboden’, bear right through the thin forest until you reach the trail where route SA and route SB meet. Route SA continues along the trail and follows a gentle incline up to the Hög Alm. Cross over the trail here and continue on through the dense forest to ‘Oberer Komperdellboden’. Follow the same trail back to the starting point.