Waldhof Sports
Schwarzach 3
6351 Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser
(0043) 5358 812233
Waldhof Sports
We have the experience – you will find the perfect wintersport equipment – Skis, Snowboard, Toboggan to buy or rent.
We stock the best sports equipment from:
Elan, Blizzard, Tecnica, Socks, Ziener, Dalbello, Fischer, Head, Carrera and Atomic.
We stock a wide range of the latest top equipment.
We are ideally situated directly on the piste only 100m from the Scheffau Gondola station.
House guests receive 10% reduction on all hire equipment.
Ski School Ingrid Salvenmoser is situated in our Sport Shop.
House guests receive 10% reduction.
Adults: (Basic Ski, Exclusive Ski, VIP Ski, Snow Board, VIP Ski Boot, Ski Boot, Snowblades, Helmet, Poles, etc).
Youth upto 14years: (Ski, Ski Boots, Snowboard, Helmet etc.).
Children upto 7 years: (Ski, Ski Boots, Helmet etc).
Cross Country set (Ski, Boots & Poles).
Ski Safe
Ski Depot for Skis & Boots
Wintersteiger Service & Tuning
Race Service
Small Service
Full Service
Full Board Service
Hand Ski Wax Service with infrarot lamp
Further information and prices at:
Matthäus and his team look forward to welcoming you.
Waldhof Sports
Schwarzach 3
6351 Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser
(0043) 5358 812233