Rodelbahn Astberg Richtung Ellmau
A mountain with lots of tobogganing options and good refreshment stops.
If you want to walk your toboggan up onto the mountain, it’s a one hour hike from Ellmau Parish Church up to the Astberg to the toboggan run’s first entrance by the Treichlhof. If you want to go up to the very top, it’s another 15 minutes to the Brenner Alm. There’s also the option of taking the Astbergbahn lift to the toboggan run. After a short refreshment stop at one of the huts you can race down the 3-kilometre run through the forest into the valley. The last third sees the run divide, taking you either to the Hotel der Bär in Ellmau or directly to the valley station in Going. You can also ride down in the evening as the run is floodlit.
Rodelbahn Astberg Richtung Ellmau