Toboggan run Maria WaldrastDifficulty: easy Length: 3.5 km Elevation difference: 482 m Go to toboggan runMore about Toboggan run Maria Waldrast
Rodelbahn NösslachhütteDifficulty: easy Length: 1.6 km Duration: 1:00 h Elevation difference: 156 m Go to toboggan runMore about Rodelbahn Nösslachhütte
Rodelbahn StöcklalmDifficulty: medium Length: 3.0 km Duration: 1:30 h Elevation difference: 400 m Go to toboggan runMore about Rodelbahn Stöcklalm
Maria Waldrast toboggan runDifficulty: medium Length: 3.2 km Duration: 2:00 h Elevation difference: 450 m : Lift : separate ascent : illuminated : Night-time tobogganing : snowmaking : Toboggan hire Go to toboggan runMore about Maria Waldrast toboggan run
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