3 series | 1 round consisting of putting down and picking up the balls on each side
To increase the intensity, bend your supporting leg more. This shifts the body's centre of gravity downwards. The exercise also becomes more difficult if the balls are placed further away from the body.
IMPORTANT: Always ensure a stable leg axis. Use the second leg to counterbalance the movement and maintain balance.
2-3 series | 20 jumps per side
In skiing and snowboarding, the lateral push-off plays an important role due to the slope. To train the corresponding muscles, box jumps are performed dynamically to the side rather than forwards.
To increase the intensity, place your hands on your hips and simultaneously perform the jumps from a lower position and increase the speed.
IMPORTANT: Always ensure a stable leg axis. The knees should not tilt inwards during the jump.
3 series | 5-7 repetitions
This eccentric exercise for the back of the thigh is a tough one. Start slowly and increase the intensity depending on how you feel. If you don't have a training partner, you can also hang your heels on a wall bar or similar.
IMPORTANT: The later you catch yourself with your hands, the more intense the exercise becomes. Tip from the trainer: Increase the intensity slowly!
3 series | 10-15 repetitions
In addition to strong legs, the stability of the torso is an important component when skiing or snowboarding. The following exercise is perfect for training the straight abdominal muscles.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that your lower back doesn't lift off the ground and you don't end up with a hollow back. Only lower your legs down as far as you can press your lower back against the floor.
3 series | 20 repetitions
If you train your stomach, you should make sure your back is strong. When skiing and snowboarding, it is important to be able to adapt to different conditions and be appropriately agile. The following exercise for the lower back will help you do this.
IMPORTANT: The movement should only take place in the lower back. This exercise may seem easy at first, but as the number of repetitions increases, this back exercise becomes more challenging.