des Deutschen Alpenvereins Sektion Augsburg
Peutingerstr. 24
86152 Augsburg
0043 664 6411643 Augsb.Hütte
The Augsburg Bivouac is an emergency shelter at 2,608 metres above sea level in the Lechtal Alps. It provides a place to stay the night for hikers who get into difficulty while walking the Augsburg High Trail.
Emergency shelter on the Augsburg High Trail
German Alpine Club, Augsburg Division
Walking in the mountains can be unpredictable. Hikers who run into bad weather or injure themselves on the Augsburg High Trail between the Ansbacher Hütte and the Augsburger Hütte will be relieved to reach the Augsburg Bivouac. This steel shelter is located on the Parseierscharte ridge (2,607 metres), where it is securely anchored into the rock. Inside the refuge there are four sleeping spaces, but there are no cooking facilities or heating. Near the bivouac there is a challenging descent via the Flirscher Parseier back down into the valley to the village Flirsch.
From Flirsch and Schnann: 7 hours
Eisenkopf, 2,844 metres, 1.5 hours
Eisenspitze, 2,859 metres, 1.5 hours
Ansbacher Hütte 3.5 hours
Augsburger Hütte 4.25 hours
Memminger Hütte 6 hours
des Deutschen Alpenvereins Sektion Augsburg
Peutingerstr. 24
86152 Augsburg
0043 664 6411643 Augsb.Hütte