Serafin Gstrein
Gries 17
6444 Längenfeld
The Amberger Hütte (2,135 metres) is a mountain refuge run by the German Alpine Club. It is located at the end of the Sulztal Valley in the Stubai Alps.
Accommodation for walkers and hikers at the end of the Sulztal Valley
German Alpine Club, Amberg Division
Stubai or the Ötztal Alps? Both! The Amberger Hütte may be located in the Stubai Alps, but the main ascent leading to it begins in the Ötztal Valley – be precise, from the somewhat hidden tributary valley of Sulztal. This is why the Amberger Hütteis never overrun with guests. Originally built in 1888, it then bordered the edge of the Sulztal Glacier. At that time the glacier was enormous and the hut very small in comparison, with only eight beds for visitors wishing to stay the night. After several alterations it now provides comfortable accommodation for mountain climbers, but has retained all of its original charm and alpine ambience with its wood-panelled rooms. Well-known mountains: Kuhscheibe, Windacher Daunkogel, Schrankogel.
On foot: From Gries in the Sulztal Valley (municipality of Längenfeld) along an easy walking trail into the valley. Walking time: 2 hours, 600 vertical metres.
By bike: Sulztal - Amberger Hütte, leaving from Längenfeld
Schwarzenbergsee (2,620 metres), 3 hours, easy
Längentaler Joch (2,988 metres), 7 hours, intermediate
Vorderer Sulzkogel (2,796 metres), 4.5 hours, intermediate
Gaislehnkogel (3,216 metres), 8 hours, difficult
Schrankogel (3,497 metres), 9 hours, difficult
Hochstubaihütte (glacier crossing), 4.5 hours
Dresdner Hütte, 5.5 hours
Westfalenhaus, 5.5 hours
Winnebachseehütte, 4 hours
Die Amberger Hütte liegt an den Fernwanderwegen „Ötztal Trek“ und „Sellrainer Hüttenrunde“.