An easy walk through the forest.
Follow the main road towards Niederau. At the Pizzeria Italia turn left onto the Zauberwinkel Weg and continue for approx. 1.5 km. At the Gwiggenhof Farm turn right into the woods (Route 14) and walk along the forest path for another 4 km. At the sign to Oberhausberg and Niederau take the right fork up the steps into the forest and ascend for approx. 500 metres quite steeply. On the upper road continue left until you rea ch the surfaced road. (2 km). Turn righ passed the Oberhausberg Farm and continue passed Leitschwendt and Adelsberg Farms.
The path takes you over a field and then into the woods. Come out at the Stocker Farm and descend on the road to Traudbach Farm. Taker the path through the Moosen Wood and return to Oberau on the Moosen Weg and the main road.