Waldweg 8 in Oberperfuss
Waldweg trail no. 8 in Oberperfuss
From the free car park below the parish church, head west past Hotel Krone to the main road, walk north along the road for about 200 m and then keep left to follow a side road past flower-laden farmhouses to the Albiskapelle chapel. At the chapel, take a sharp left and follow the road straight on through the districts of Huebe and Völsesgasse, past the Zischgenkaplle, Hueberkapelle and Poltenkapelle chapels to the end of the village. From there, a path branches off to the right and takes you over alpine meadows, always staying near the edge of the forest, to the Inntalblick viewpoint. From the viewpoint, double back for a short distance until you come to the first turnoff. Keep left, follow the path back to Völsesgasse road and then head east along the road to the Huebe district. When you come to the yellow signpost on the left-hand side of the path, follow route no. 8 around the Hueberfeld field and back to the car park in the village centre.
Highlights: a wonderful short hike, especially nice in the evening, comfortable benches by the edge of the forest where you can rest and enjoy, wonderful wide open views of Innsbruck and the surrounding mountains.
Waldweg 8 in Oberperfuss