Waalsteig zur Möseralm
The Waalsteig has truly idyllic parts as it leads along a small brook. You can walk it with equal pleasure in both directions, this is one of the most popular trails, especially as a descent from the Steinegg, the Möseralm.
From the village (F010), follow the Sägegasse uphill until just before the sawmill (F011), where you turn left. Shortly after, a field path (F012) starts on the right, which you follow across meadows, partly gently, partly more steeply uphill, until you reach the stream (F123, Waal). Here, the connecting path from the Sonnenbahn-Ladis (F015) meets the Waal Trail. The trail mostly runs beautifully between bushes and the stream. Just before Lahnewald, the Waal Trail reaches a bend where it meets the road No. 9 (F119) to Kuhalm (F121) and No. 11 to Möseralm (F113).
Waalsteig zur Möseralm