Tux-Lanersbach - Geislerhof - Tux-Vorderlanersbach - Tux-Lanersbach
Tux-Lanersbach - Geislerhof - Tux-Vorderlanersbach - Tux-Lanersbach
Follow the path no. 21 past the house Bergkristall (house no. 459) towards Gemais. Carry on past the old farmhouses, which are under preservation then turn off to the right on the path AV no. 315 as far as the Vogelaue (stream regulator), through the gate and up the winding path to the Geislerhof. Make your way back via the goods track to Tux-Vorderlanersbach. In Tux-Vorderlanersbach take the path no. 10 - starting opposite the Maria-Hilf-Kapelle (chapel) - to get back to Tux-Lanersbach.
Tux-Lanersbach - Geislerhof - Tux-Vorderlanersbach - Tux-Lanersbach