St. Moritzen-Runde
The St. Moritzen circuit
This hike starts at the car park in the "Wendelinus" district and follows the lower forest road towards the pilgrimage church of St. Moritzen. The route passes the church and then leads downhill to the crossing for the River Inn's "Innaue" flood plains. Take the path to the right and follow it for a few minutes until you reach a tributary of the River Inn. From the "Innaue" flood plains, follow the same route back until you reach the fork and then carry straight on along the Aulandweg trail towards Telfs. You will come to residential houses on the paved Moritzenstraße road. At the roadside chapel, turn left and follow the Kapellenweg trail to the Kalvarienberg (or calvary hill). Stone steps lead all the way up the inside of the calvary hill to a representation of the Crucifixion at the top. A short path takes you back to the trail that leads from Telfs to the pilgrimage church of St Moritzen and finally back to the starting point.
St. Moritzen-Runde