Archäologielehrpfad Goldbichl
The Goldbichl archaeology trail
From the Kurpark spa gardens in Igls, walk south along the east side of Congresspark Igls and continue through the forest following signs for "Archäologiepfad Goldbichl" (the Goldbichl archaeology trail).
Around 4,000 years ago, the Goldbichl was a powerful sanctuary and a place of widespread importance. Today, a forest hiking trail leads from the Kurpark spa gardens in Igls to the prehistoric ritual site once used for burning offerings. Illustrated information boards reveal more about the various aspects of daily life and religious rites. Experience the magic of the place.
You can learn more about this topic and admire the most significant Bronze and Iron Age artefacts found on the Goldbichl at the museum in the "Haus des Gastes" (Hilberstraße 15, 6080 Igls).
Archäologielehrpfad Goldbichl