Arrival by public transport
Information about the current bus times can be found here:
Startseite • Verkehrsverbund Tirol (
A scenic hike to Obtarrenz and through the Grugltal valley.
From the Tarrenz municipal office, follow Trujegasse uphill in the direction of "Salvesenklamm". Cross the main road and follow the path to the junction "Hexenofen". There follow the path to the sports field Obtarrenz. Then follow the asphalted road past the fire department hall. At the next crossing (fountain) turn left. Walk past the chapel to the Glöckhof and then straight on to the edge of the forest. Now turn right and follow the path towards "Dollinger", steeply downhill, to the main road. After crossing the federal road, past the Kropfsee lake, continue to Strad. After the Seewald inn, turn left in the direction of "Heilquelle" and follow the path to the open-air museum Knappenwelt Gurgltal. Now turn right towards "Tarrenz" and follow the road back to the starting point. The downhill path to the Dollinger Inn is very steep and narrow, otherwise the loop runs on well-maintained paths.
Refreshment stops: Gasthof Seewald in Strad, Happi's Hütte.
Highlights: Happi's Hütte, open-air museum Knappenwelt Gurgltal.
Information about the current bus times can be found here:
Startseite • Verkehrsverbund Tirol (
Obtarrenz - Dollinger - Kropfsee