Stumm - Mölkenkapelle - Dristal - Stumm
Stumm - Mölkenkapelle - Dristal - Stumm
Starting from Stumm municipal office, head out of the valley along the road and across a bridge until you reach the Gasthaus Märzenklamm inn. Here, you should follow a private trail steeply up to Antoniuskapelle chapel before joining the Kreuzweg trail that leads through the forest and up to the small Mölkenkapelle chapel. Once at this chapel, follow the road uphill to the left – you will shortly come to a forestry road and subsequently to a narrow forest path. Head downhill in the direction of Dristal until the route merges with the forest road, heading down into the valley, you will first come to the district of März before hiking back to Stumm.
stop off possibilities: restaurants in the village
Stumm - Mölkenkapelle - Dristal - Stumm