Arrival by public transport Bus 620
Hike along the Steinweg and the Mühlbach Path and enjoy the variety of beautiful views over Alpbach.
Sturdy footwear and protective clothing
Start from Alpbach village centre walking past the Hotel Böglerhof to the left of the church. After the hotel turn left and walk uphill through the meadow and past the „Stammgästewald” (regular Alpbach guests are honoured by the planting of a tree) and on to „Hausberg“. At the last farm turn right and follow the A23 and the signs for „Steinweg“. The path leads uphill direction „Hösl“ Saddle. Enjoy the sweeping views from the new platform!
Below the Hösl Saddle and the Hösl chapel follow the path downhill towards Alpbach. After approx. 300 m, at the huts, leave the forest track and turn right onto the A23 and the Blaikensteig. Continue downhill and at the next junction take the tarmacked road. At the Dorfer stream turn left crossing the bridge. After a few metres take the A3 to the right, that leads to the Mühlbach Path (opened in 2013) and back to the village centre. Bus 620
vor dem Dorfzentrum
Steinweg-Runde über Mühlbachweg