St. Sigmund - Pforzheimer Hütte (145)
The Gleischer Ferner created the natural terrace for the Pforzheimer Hütte. A wonderful vantage point for the perfect mountain dinner! Specialties of the house: dumplings and herb pancakes.
The unspoilt Gleirschtal valley offers intense impressions. From St. Sigmund in the Sellraintal valley, the route first leads to the Gleirschalm, then a little steeper along the Gleirschbach stream and up a moderately difficult mountain trail to the Pforzheimer Hütte, which is reached after just over two hours. It is situated on a pulpit and offers views of rewarding summit destinations. But first take a break and treat yourself to some Tyrolean specialties!
This route starts at the car park in St. Sigmund and leads south along the paved road to the Gleirschalm mountain hut (25 min). It then continues past beautiful alpine meadows and mountain streams, leading deep into the Gleirsch Valley to the Pforzheimer Hütte mountain hut. The hike back follows the same route.
St. Sigmund - Pforzheimer Hütte (145)