Rum - Bellevuesteig - Kaiserkreuz
Rum - Bellevuesteig trail - Kaiserkreuz
From Rathausplatz square, follow Dörferstraße road west to the Marienkapelle (St. Mary's Chapel), then follow the blue-and-white signs (route no. 15) towards Finkenberg until you reach the Reindl residence. The hike then continues across the fields to Flinntal and through Hochwald forest, before following the signs for Canisiusbrünnl. When you come to the surge tank water facility, you will see a path that branches off to the Kaiserkreuz cross, which is just 100 metres away on top of a wooded hill. Before leaving the forest, you can choose to either turn left to return to the village or turn right to the Canisiusbrünnl alpine guesthouse.
Rum - Bellevuesteig - Kaiserkreuz