Ötztaler Urweg E4 Längenfeld - Sölden

Längenfeld /
Difficulty ratings: medium
Route length: 19 km
Duration: 6:30 h

STAGE 4:   LÄNGENFELD –> Brand –> Suspension bridge –> Burgstein –> Jagdhütte –> Winkle –> Aschbach –> Höfle –> SÖLDEN

Tour information

  • Requirement: medium
  • Length: 19 km
  • Duration: 6:30 h
  • Elevation uphill:1070 hm
  • Elevation downhill:889 hm
Highest point 1,846 m

Starting point


Finishing point

  • Fitness level 4 / 6

Best time of year

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December


Moderate mountain trail; for sure-footed and experienced hikers. Good physical condition, mountain experience & mountain equipment (see notice equipment) necessary. Please pay attention to the current weather report Appropriate equipment such as breathable suitable outdoor clothes for the weather, is for all hikes and tours necessary. Please bring a first-aid box, a mobile phone, a walking map and if there is no hut on the way a snack and enough to drink.



Researchers have discovered that the Längenfeld valley basin was under water until about 900 AD and formed a lake. Today the valley floor is covered with unusually fertile soil and almost tangible sources of energy. This immense power created by nature is no coincidence, there are many other similar places in Längenfeld and its surrounding hamlets. A trail network named "Kraftquell Längenfeld" (source of strength) connects all these moments of strength and energy.

One of this outstanding spots is your next stop, nestling between the high Alpine plateaus of Brand and Burgstein where you cross the 200-meter high suspension bridge. An elated moment with splendid panorama views, towering high above the breathtaking valley floor with its lovely hamlets, small villages, the meandering Ötztaler Ache mountain brook and deep green meadows. All these wonderful impressions accompany you to your next destination. Great contrasts can also be found here - ranging from quiet farmhouses and secluded trails to Sölden's lively center and activity hot spots!

Getting here

  • Arrival by public transport

    Travel safe and comfortable with the train to the Ötztal Bahnhof train station. Last stop and exit point is the train station Ötztal Bahnhof. Afterwards you can travel smoothly and quick with the public transport or our local taxi companies through the valley to your desired destination. Please find the current bus timetable here: http://fahrplan.vvt.at

  • Parking

    The following parking options are available:

    - Sports center Längenfeld

    - Nature Park House Längenfeld 


    For multi-day tours, please leave a visible note with information and the return date on the windshield.

  • Contact

    Ötztaler Urweg E4 Längenfeld - Sölden

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