Arrival by public transport
Take line 4026 in the direction of Wörgl and get off at "Bad Häring Dorf".
Five stations invite you to walk through the Bad Häringer legends.
From the centre of the idyllically situated village of Bad Häring we hike slightly uphill to the thunderous waterfall with its natural Kneipp basin, then along the Rück Dich Gesund path towards the village and on to a small chapel. Once there, we walk along the spa gardens, which lure you with a raised bed to Hildegard von Bingen, to Lindenbühel and back to the starting point in the village centre.
Take line 4026 in the direction of Wörgl and get off at "Bad Häring Dorf".
Community office or at the primary schools
Sagenweg - Bad Häring Runde