Mountain hikes Kochler

Längenfeld /
Difficulty ratings: medium
Route length: 3.4 km
Duration: 2:19 h

LÄNGENFELD -> Road to Gries -> direction Kochler -> Tröglan -> KOCHLER

Tour information

  • Requirement: medium
  • Length: 3.4 km
  • Duration: 2:19 h
  • Elevation uphill:798 hm
Highest point 2,207 m

Starting point


Finishing point

  • Fitness level 4 / 6

Best time of year

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December


Moderate mountain trail; for sure-footed and experienced hikers. Good physical condition, mountain experience & mountain equipment (see notice equipment) necessary. Please pay attention to the current weather report Appropriate equipment such as breathable suitable outdoor clothes for the weather, is for all hikes and tours necessary. Please bring a first-aid box, a mobile phone, a walking map and if there is no hut on the way a snack and enough to drink.


By car you drive about 2.5 km along the Grieser Landstraße. This can be parked in a small parking bay. At the beginning you follow a short piece of the forest road which you soon leave on the right and follow a trail. At an altitude of about 1600m you meet again on the forest road which you now follow a few bends. The path is well marked from the beginning and therefore the turnoff to the Kochler - Hörndle can not be missed. Now it goes quite steeply through a beautiful mixed forest upwards. Above the tree line you reach the destination of this hike - the Kochler. A small meadow plateau with a magnificent view of the Sulztal - what invites you to rest.

Getting here

  • Arrival by public transport

    Travel safe and comfortable with the train to the Ötztal Bahnhof train station. Last stop and exit point is the

    train station Ötztal Bahnhof. Afterwards you can travel smoothly and quick with the public transport or our local

    taxi companies through the valley to your desired destination. Please find the current bus timetable here:

  • Parking

    he following parking facilities are available: Parking bay on the road to Gries - free

  • Contact

    Kochler 2207m - Längenfeld/Gries

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