Mountain hikes Hartkaiser circuit (no. 1 & 3)

Ellmau /
Difficulty ratings: easy
Route length: 16 km
Duration: 5:30 h

From the Bergdoktorhaus to the Rübezahl-Alm mountain hut and the Carved Figures path to Ellmi’s Zauberwelt.

Tour information

  • Requirement: easy
  • Length: 16 km
  • Duration: 5:30 h
  • Elevation uphill:730 hm
  • Elevation downhill:730 hm
Highest point 1,525 m

Starting point

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)

Finishing point

Hiking starting point Tourist Info, Ellmau (800 m)
  • Fitness level 4 / 6
  • Technique 2 / 6


  • Circular route
  • Suitable for families

Best time of year

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Trail condition

The composition of the trail varies from road to hiking trail, gravel path to forest trail.


Rucksack, feste Wander-/Bergschuhe mit griffiger Profilsohle, dem Wetter angepasste Wanderbekleidung (atmungsaktiv), Wechselbekleidung, Sonnenschutz (Sonnenbrille, Sonnencreme, Lippenschutz, Kopfbedeckung), Regenschutz (Regenjacke/Poncho, Knirps, Rucksackschutz), Kälteschutz (Mütze, Handschuhe), Verpflegung (ausreichend zu Trinken und Jause), ev. Wanderstöcke (höhenverstellbar), Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung inkl. Rettungsdecke & Biwaksack, Mobiltelefon mit vollgeladenem Akku, Stirnlampe, Plastikbeutel für Abfall, Wanderkarte, Tourenbeschreibung und Informationsmaterial (GPX-Track), Ausweis, Versicherungskarte, Bargeld.


Start at the Hiking info point in the centre and follow trail no. 1 to the Faistenbichl district past the famous   “Bergdoktorhaus”, the doctor’s practice in the TV series. Carry on to the “Ehemalige Bergschenke” intersection and continue on trail no. 3, a forest road, to the rustic Rübezahl-Alm mountain hut with a terrace and spectacular views of the Wilder Kaiser. This is the start of Austria's longest "Schnitzfigurenweg", a sculpture trail with carved figures (no. 3a) to the Jägerhütte (1,400 m) mountain inn.
The last part is steeply uphill to the Hartkaiser summit station at a height of 1,530 metres. In Ellmi's Zauberwelt (Magic World), children can go treasure hunting in the Fairytale forest whilst the grown-ups explore the nature trail. To return you can follow trail no. 1 on a forest road and a steep forest trail via the Berggasthaus Hochschwendt refreshment stop back to the valley.

Our tip: of course you can also complete a part of the tour using the gondola lift Hartkaiserbahn.

Getting here

  • Arrival by public transport

    KaiserJet stop “Dorfplatz Ellmau/Alte Post” or Postbus stop “Ellmau Dorf/Bauhof”. More information at:

  • Parking

    Public car parks in Ellmau centre or west - for free.

  • Contact

    Hartkaiser Runde (Nr. 1 & 3)

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