Mountain hikes Glacier Flea Hiking Day

Sölden /
Difficulty ratings: difficult
Route length: 15.0 km
Duration: 9:00 h

OBERGURGL -> Ramoljoch -> VENT

Tour information

  • Requirement: difficult
  • Length: 15.0 km
  • Duration: 9:00 h
  • Elevation uphill:1348 hm
  • Elevation downhill:1355 hm
Highest point 3,188 m

Starting point


Finishing point

  • Fitness level 6 / 6

Best time of year

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December


Für schwindelfreie, trittsichere und hochalpin erfahrene Bergsteiger; Ausgezeichnete, körperliche Verfassung, umfassende Bergerfahrung, alpine Kletterausrüstung, Sicherungs- und Orientierungsmittel, gute Wetterverhältnisse empfohlen Bitte beachten Sie den aktuellen Wetterbericht unter: Appropriate equipment such as breathable suitable outdoor clothes for the weather, ankle-high walking boots, wind-, rain- & sun protection, hat, possibly gloves, is for all hikes and tours necessary. Please bring a first-aid box, a mobile phone, a walking map and if there is no hut on the way a snack and enough to drink.


This traditional hike takes alpinists up to the 3,200 m high Ramoljoch ridge.

A truly outstanding event that gives fantastic insights into Ötztal's mountain and glacier world. Every first sunday in August.

Von Obergurgl über die Achbrücke zunächst etwas steil zum "Beilstein", dann über die Hochmähder zur Küppele-Schäferhütte weiter steil nach oben bis zum Ramolhaus und über den Ramolferner und sehr steinigem Gelände in ca. 30 Minuten zum Einstieg vom Ramoljoch. Dort seilgesichert, zum Teil über Leitern, zum Ramoljoch.

Der Abstieg führt über sehr steiniges, steiles Gelände, dann über einen einfacheren Weg zur Ramolalm (nicht bewirtschaftet!). von dortAbstie gnach Vent. Nur bei gutem Wetter und mit entsprechender alpiner Ausrüstung.

Trittsicherheit und Schwindelfreiheit erforderlich!

Gehzeiten:Obergurgl - Ramolhaus: 3 - 4 hRamolhaus - Ramoljoch: ca. 1 hRamoljoch - Vent: 3,5 - 4 h

Getting here

  • Arrival by public transport

    Travel safe and comfortable with the train to the Ötztal Bahnhof train station. Last stop and exit point is the train station Ötztal Bahnhof. Afterwards you can travel smoothly and quick with the public transport or our local taxi companies through the valley to your desired destination. Please find the current bus timetable here:

  • Parking

    The following parking options are available in the mountaineering village Vent

    - In summertime in front of the village (parking machine, only coins or EC card) and at the chairlift (at the ticket office of the mountain railways)

    Cost: € 6,00 per day/car

    In Obergurgl-Hochgurgl the following parking facilities are available:

    Car park Village center Obergurgl (in front of the church on the right, behind the multi-purpose building where the information office is located)

    Parking lot with coin entrance Parking Place entrance - valley station Festkoglbahn, free of charge

    Parking Hochgurglbahn valley station, free of charge - no parking at night

    Parking Top Mountain Crosspoint, free of charge

    Parking Hochgurgl, free of charge (very small parking)


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