Enigmatic creatures populate the Ladis explorer trail: mushrooms as big as people and giant snails... It takes an inquiring mind and a desire to combine to uncover their secrets!
The explorer trail, which is just over three kilometers long, can be walked from Fiss and Ladis and takes about one and a half hours. But the adventure full of puzzle fun can of course be extended by particularly intensive nature observation or a long stay in the mysterious tree house. Most of the trail runs through the forest, and a sticker block provides an overview when solving the puzzles.
Go along the Wasserwandersteig (Water Trail) as far as the Tuffgrotte or from the Villa (L016) down the same route. If you’re coming from below, you turn off the Wasserwandersteig to the left (L011) and soon bump into the first surprises. Go along an old forest track for a short bit to the left, then turn back to the right at the giant snail. One surprise follows another, particularly the several storey tree house invites parents and children alike to continue the experiments of the wacky researcher. Just after the bear cave, you reach Faltriweg trail no. 34, on which you stroll easily down to the Weiberkessl and back to Ladis (L006).
Once all the puzzles have been solved, children can collect their certificate at the following locations: