You might think that the Figerhorn doesn't have it easy in the shadow of the Großglockner. Yet this is precisely its strength: past the blooming Grei meadows and over the long ridge, the Fiegerhorn offers you the ideal view of the Großglockner.
Winding ascent from the Kalser Tal valley to the species-rich flowering Greiwiesen meadows. From there towards the summit flank and finally over the ridge to the summit. The tour is classified as difficult due to the black mountain paths, but does not present any major technical difficulties.
By car, drive to the Lucknerhaus in Kals am Großglockner. We start to the left of the Lucknerhaus on the "Wendelin-Weingartner-Weg" in the direction of the Figerhorn. After a few hairpin bends through the initially steep area, you reach the "Greiwiesen". The trail continues on a flatter path to the "Grei Bühel". Head north along the path towards the summit flank of the Figerhorn. Finally, you climb the last few meters over the ridge ridge to reach the beautiful summit cross!
A special highlight of this tour is certainly the fantastic view of the Großglockner and the rest of the mountain panorama.