Brunstwaldweg zum Komperdell
Brunstwaldweg to the Komperdell
Start at the Mühlbrücke bridge (S089) at the steep asphalted road until you reach the field gate (S092) and follow the vehicle track to the third curve (S097). That is where track no. 12a starts. On this gravel trail through the Bödenwald forest walk around the Michaelskopf and finally arrive at the Hög (S119). At the crossing left, pass the Hög Alm through the Brunstwald forest until you reach the crossing (S115). At the
path walk upwards following the glade to the crossing (S114). On the Sturzflug trail (The Crashed Plane), walk until you arrive at the Komperdell (Kölner Haus) into the west direction. Other option: At crossing (S115) follow the vehicle track, shortly descending and then walk along serpentines upwards (cross-country course in winter) to the Komperdell ½ hour.
Brunstwaldweg zum Komperdell