Mountain hikes Berwang - Suwaldspitze via Älpelestal

Lermoos /
Difficulty ratings: medium
Route length: 5.6 km
Duration: 3:30 h

Mountain hike to the Suwaldspitze via the valley Älpeletal

Tour information

  • Requirement: medium
  • Length: 5.6 km
  • Duration: 3:30 h
  • Elevation uphill:847 hm
Highest point 2,155 m

Starting point

Berwang - Car park Sonnalmbahn

Finishing point

Suwaldspitze summit
  • Fitness level 4 / 6
  • Technique 4 / 6

Best time of year

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Trail condition

Gravel, meadow, hiking trail


Appropriate clothing, sturdy shoes, rain protection, sun protection, hiking poles, sufficient water. No climbing equipment required.


The mountain hike starts at the car park Berwanger Sonnalmbahn (entrance of Berwang). Follow the road / sidewalk slightly ascending in direction to the center until you reach Heimatmuseum. Turn left there, gently sloping and immediately right again on the street into the district Gröben. Pass Gröben. At the end of the village continue the hike on the bride gravel path, which soon turns into a narrow path. Hike through the valley Älpelestal, along the brook Älpelesbach up to the Älpele. Turn right at the crossing and follow the sign Hönig. When you arrive at the saddle, follow the signs to the left and take the path to the summit Vordere Suwaldspitze (steep, grassy northwest flank to the north ridge and up to the top).

●   Auf den markierten Wanderwegen bleiben
●   Abstand zu Weidetieren halten
●   Beachte die Öffnungszeiten der Hütten
●   Alpiner Notruf: 140

Getting here

  • Arrival by public transport

    Summer & winter bus of the Tiroler Zugspitz Arena (free with guest card), Postbus (free in the region with guest card), excursion bus Bavaria-Tyrol (only for TZA guests and free with guest card), regional trains (Garmisch-Patenkirchen-Grainau-Ehrwald-Lermoos-Reutte), special bus to Lumagica-Ehrenberg Reutte (free with guest card, winter only, Sundays only)

  • Parking

    Right at the tour start you'll find a big parking lot

  • Contact

    Berwang - Suwaldspitze über Älpeletal

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