Von Thierbach über Kundl aufs Kragenjoch (340, 361)
Wonderful tour over the Wildschönau meadows.
Start at the swimming pool in Oberau and follow the main road through Oberau to Mühltal. Turn left to Thierbach and follow signs for route MTB 340 to Saulueg then down to Kundl. From the Kundl Gorge car park turn left immediately after the bridge. Turn right at the houses and at the next possibility turn right again and follow the course of the road. After a few metres the road becomes an unpaved forest track. After the barrier the route leads in part steeply uphill past the tobogganing hut and on to the crossing for the „Kragenalm“ (connect. MTB-route 339 to Brach). Turn left and cycle on to the Kragenalm and then to the Kragenjoch. Get off and push your bike over the ridge down to the Achentalalm. Mount your bike again and cycle down to Oberau/Wildschönau and your starting point.
Von Thierbach über Kundl aufs Kragenjoch (340, 361)