Cycle tour Flusserlebnisweg Großache

Kirchdorf in Tirol /
Difficulty ratings:
Route length: 3.2 km
Duration: 0:30 h

Beach vacation by bike! The river adventure trail along the Großache is only so short so that you have more time to get off your bike and swim - you can do this everywhere in the many bays along the route.

Tour character

The consistently flat route takes around 20 to 30 minutes. Rest points with tables and benches invite you to relax and enjoy a picnic, while a water adventure area and numerous small bays are perfect for swimming.

Tour information

  • Length: 3.2 km
  • Duration: 0:30 h
  • Elevation uphill:20 hm
Highest point 640 m

Starting point

Kirchdorf - Bridge

Finishing point

Kirchdorf - Bridge
  • Fitness level 1 / 6
  • Technique 1 / 6


  • Circular route

Best time of year

  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December




  • Outdoor-Bekleidung
  • Helm
  • festes Schuhwerk/ Radschuhe
  • ausreichend Verpflegung und Getränke
  • Erste-Hilfe-Ausrüstung
  • Handy mit vollem Akku & Ladegerät
  • Wanderkarte & Führerliteratur
  • evtl. GPS-Gerät bzw die GPS-Daten auf das Handy laden
  • Sonnenschutz (Sonnenbrille, Sonnencreme, Kappe)
  • Regenschutz
  • Bargeld
  • Ev. Multitool & Flickzeug, Ersatzschlauch, Pumpe


The Flusserlebnisweg follows the banks of the Großache between the Kirchdorf and Erpfendorf bridges and demonstrates that safety for people and concessions to nature need not be contradictions. On the contrary: Both complement each other in a unique way - to the benefit of man and nature.

All stations of the river adventure trail are easily accessible by bike. Resting points with tables and benches provide relaxation and recreation. Information boards inform about the Kirchdorf flood protection project and its positive effects on nature. Playing by the river - a great experience for our children.

Getting here

  • Arrival by public transport

    Postbus 4012 exit Kirchdorf i. T. Bundesstraße
    Postbus 4000 exit Kirchdorf i. T. Ort

    Bus and traintimes:

  • Parking

    Free parking in Kirchdorf i. T. centre (information office, education centre)

  • Contact

    Flusserlebnisweg Großache


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