Rad-Rundtour am südlichen Mittelgebirge
A circular cycling tour in the southern mountains
A scenic and diverse circuit around the southern alpine plateau.
This tour takes a varied route through the hilly "Mittelgebirge", passing through forests, villages and quiet fields between the villages of Igls and Tulfes, high above the Inn Valley.
From Igls, the route is initially flat. It leads past Lanser See lake to the village of Lans and then climbs gently up to the village of Sistrans (with old, painted farmhouses). The route continues past the "Wiesenhof" guesthouse to Judenstein, leads back via the villages of Rinn and Tulfes and then continues downhill towards Hall until it reaches the "Glockenhof". From there, it leads along the quiet country road through the Zimmertal (with views of the Karwendel mountains) to Ampass. From there, the route leads past the Gothic "Viertelsäule" column and uphill to Aldrans. Finally, the route passes the village of Lans and heads back to Igls on a hilly section characterised by several short but steep ascents and descents.
Worth seeing along the way:
Rinn/Judenstein: the little Baroque pilgrimage church
Ampass: Pfarrkirche zum hl. Johannes (the Parish Church of St John) with its free-standing bell tower
Rad-Rundtour am südlichen Mittelgebirge