Arrival by public transport
Exit bus-stop: Pertisau Karwendeltäler
The 10km Pletzach-Gern trail in the Nature Park Karwendel leads through flat sections and short climbs to the Pletzachalm, then transitions into rolling terrain with a steady climb. Suitable for beginners with some experience.
The tour into the Gern tal val ley is cha rac te ri sed by the va ried ter rain of flat stret ches and short as cents. At the be gin ning, the trail leads through the fo rest and con ti nues to the Pletz a ch alm (ser vi ced). From there, the trail climbs slight ly along the stream bed to the Gern Alm (ser vi ced). The re turn route de scends with a mo de ra te gra di ent. The trail is sui ta ble for ad van ced be gin ners and in ter me dia te ski ers.
Exit bus-stop: Pertisau Karwendeltäler
Car park Karwendeltäler (paid parking lot).
P4 - Loipe Pletzach-Gern