You don't actually need much for cross-country skiing:
Nevertheless, there are a few points to bear in mind. Firstly, you need to clarify the question of style: Do I want to cross-country ski classic or skate? Cross-country skis for the classic style are generally 10 centimetres longer than skating skis. No matter which style you choose: So-called Nowax skis are often recommended for beginners. They have kick zones made of micro-scales on the underside, which serve as a climbing aid and prevent slipping. They can, but do not have to be waxed and therefore require less maintenance. This is particularly useful at the beginning. Once you are more experienced, most people use classic wax skis.
It is also advisable to choose your cross-country skiing boots and poles carefully. For the classic style, you need poles that reach approximately up to your chest, skating poles up to your chin. The boots should be half-high for good ankle protection.
In general, however, it is advisable to hire equipment at the beginning. This is a good way to test which skis or which style suits you better and you don't need to invest so much money at the beginning.
Then there is the question of the right clothing. When cross-country skiing, the motto is: not too thick and not too thin. The right clothing means, above all, breathable clothing: Windstopper jackets with a fleece jumper are ideal, along with ski underwear. Cotton should be avoided as it absorbs sweat instead of transporting moisture to the outside. All items of clothing should be as close-fitting as possible, including gloves.
Tip: If you already do outdoor sports such as running, cycling or ice skating, you probably already have the right functional sportswear in your wardrobe.
For longer tours
For pros: Spare equipment in the car